The Akashic Core Wound Healing Method For Deep Healing
(blog post series 10/11)
The Akashic Core Wound Healing Method
The Akashic Core Wound Healing Method is a transformative technique that combines the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records with a targeted approach to address the four core wounds of shame, abandonment, survival, and disempowerment.
I discovered this method during my healing journey after my father's passing in 2016. During what was a harrowing and grief-stricken time, I was able to discover my resilience through the power of the Akashic Records. Through healing my core wounds within the Akashic Records, I experienced significant and powerful shifts within, including a greater ability to lead my subpersonalities from my Soul Qualities, enhanced release of limiting thoughts, deeper compassion, the healing and resolution of my #1 core wound and traumatic past, and a stronger connection to the Divine. This personal transformation inspired the creation of the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method, a practice that is accessible to everyone ready for deep, deep healing and growth.
Now let's explore the specific journeys within the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method that address and heal core wounds.
The Journeys Within the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method
The Akashic Core Wound Healing Method is a transformative practice that guides you into the Akashic Records through a focused prayer process and meditation, to help release core wound emotions and beliefs (to hear the whole intro into this method that I shared in the last blog, check it out here.
Over time, this method has evolved to include several powerful journeys within the Akashic Records, each designed to help you release emotions and beliefs tied to core wounds. While each journey stands on its own, they share common elements.
For instance, the "Akashic Time Line Jump" takes you on an exploration of past lives or current life moments, allowing you to uncover core wound memories with the guidance of spiritual beings in the Records. This process enables you to rewrite your story and experience emotional liberation. Another journey, the "Hallway of Doors," guides you through a specific door that mirrors the memory and core wound you wish to heal, following a similar framework.
We'll also dive into the "Castle of the Heart" journey, a profound and powerful experience that serves as a metaphor and an actual Akashic exploration. Ideal for beginners, this journey doesn't require revisiting specific core wound memories and offers a deeply transformative experience. Additionally, several other journeys can be explored through the Awakened Living Community, a program designed to cater to individual healing needs and provide personalized support.
Once you've identified your subpersonalities, initiate a dialogue with them. See the blog post on the Subpersonalities and activate at least one Soul Quality, true healing becomes more accessible.
As every aspect of your being becomes more aligned and receptive, you'll be ready to rescue your inner child from the heart's castle and release the grip of core wounding. With this foundation, the Akashic Core Wound Method amplifies your healing and reveals powerful insights, leading to deep, soul-level transformation.
Preparing For The Akashic Core Wound Healing Journey
As we prepare for this journey, I’ll share some additional tips to get the most out of your Akashic Core Wound Healing experience:
Meditating Regularly: A dedicated meditation practice can significantly enhance your ability to access the Records. By consistently meditating, even just for ten to fifteen minutes a day, you cultivate a more spacious mind, heightened intuition, and increased sensitivity to subtle energies. You might use an app to guide you (such as Insight Timer) to get started.
Intention Matters: While the prayer process I'll share is one part of the intention, your intention before the journey is equally important. Before diving in, take a moment to clarify the core wound you want to heal and why you want to heal it. How might it be impacting your life as it relates to your subpersonalities? Think of your intention as setting a GPS destination; it provides direction and focus.
Limit Distractions: When accessing your Akashic Records for core wound healing, minimizing distractions is key. Choose a space where you're least likely to be interrupted. Turn off electronic devices, or at least mute notifications. If you're in a shared living space, consider informing others of your intention to have undisturbed time. Creating a quiet sanctuary, even if it's just a corner of a room, can greatly enhance your focus and connection to the Records. Also, simple choices, like wearing comfortable clothing and having a cushion or blanket, can help you remain at ease.
Trust Your Experience: When addressing core wounds, you might second guess that you are healing or accessing the Records, see if you can bring a kind, compassionate heart to your experience. This is all normal and natural to Feel. Everything you experience, the emotions, images, and sensations that arise are significant. They are not random; they are deeply tied to what has been stored in your body and mind. Over time, as you practice, practice, practice in the Records, you'll become more attuned to these cues and will recognize what they mean. And an important note– healing often requires revisiting the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method, so be patient and compassionate with yourself, as you may need to continue accessing this core wound healing journey several times to feel a transformation.
Pay Attention to Symbols: The Akashic Records might present information symbolically. Sometimes those symbols may appear as seemingly random images, felt sensations in the body, or words or phrases. When you encounter symbols, it's essential to note them down, even if their meaning isn't immediately clear. As you move forward, these symbols might resurface in your dreams or even in everyday situations as signs or reminders. I encourage you to trust that these symbols have a purpose, and remain open to the messages they convey as you continue your healing journey.
Journal and Track Changes: Given the nature of core wound healing, documenting your experiences can be therapeutic. It not only allows you to process and reflect but also acts as a record of your healing experiences. Over time, you can look back to see patterns, growth, and the progress you've made. if you haven’t already, I invite you to download the accompanying digital journal which prompts you to journal the practices in this book and leaves space for you to write down your Akashic Core Wound Healing experience.
Sleep Well for Focus: A good night's sleep is fundamental when preparing to access the Akashic Records for core wound healing work. Being well-rested improves your mental clarity, focus, and receptivity. When you're alert and ready, you can better navigate and understand the Records. Make sure to get a full night's sleep and when you have a refreshed mind, you will discern messages, symbols, and emotions more easily.
Next Steps on Your Core Wound Healing Journey
In this blog post, I’ve shared the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method, which combines the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records with a focused approach to healing the four core wounds of shame, abandonment, survival, and disempowerment. I’ve introduced the transformative journeys within this method, such as the Akashic Time Line Jump, the Hallway of Doors, and the Castle of the Heart. Each journey empowers you to access deep insights and release emotions and beliefs tied to core wounds.
Today, I am thrilled to share the Castle of the Heart meditation with you to try for yourself as it is a a powerful and accessible journey for beginners. This meditation will guide you through the process of connecting with your Higher Self, meeting your spirit guides in the Records, and venturing through your castle of the heart. Through this experience, you will have the opportunity to rescue your inner child and liberate the hold of core wounding.
While the Castle of the Heart meditation offers a powerful introduction to the Akashic Core Wound Healing Method, additional transformative journeys, like the Akashic Time Line Jump and Hallway of Doors, (among many others!!) are exclusively taught in my Soul Alchemy Transformation Program. This comprehensive coaching program is designed to provide personalized support and guidance as you deepen your healing practice and awaken your highest potential.
As you adventure into the Castle of the Heart meditation and explore the realm of your Akashic Records, I encourage you to share your experiences, insights, and breakthroughs with our community. By coming together and supporting one another on this transformative journey, we can collectively heal and come together as one- thank you from the bottom of my heart to yours for being part of this journey together!
Also quick note: I have a new book coming out this year that provides the full map for your core wound healing journey, all in one place with exercises and guidance to help you make momentum forward on your core wound healing path. I invite you to click this link below to join the book interest list, to be the first to receive exciting goodies alongside the book, as well as when the release date is:
Please do share in the comments any insights you’ve gained or what you’re excited about, I’d love to hear from you!