Navigating Your Spiritual Awakening Journey: The Five Phases

(blog post series #8/11)

The Higher Consciousness Evolution

Are you curious about the spiritual awakening journey and its different stages? 

The spiritual awakening journey is a transformative path leading to higher consciousness—the vibrational space where your Higher Self resides and your Seven Soul Qualities flourish in full activation–and beyond. This journey guides you through various phases of self-discovery, enabling you to access your true essence and nurture the divine qualities that lie within. 

I have identified five common phases of change along the spiritual awakening journey. These phases became apparent to me as I tracked my sub-personalities and their associated emotional experiences over several years. I noticed recurring patterns in my spiritual growth, which sparked my curiosity and led me to explore these changes with my clients. It became clear that there was a shared experience among us, as we all navigated the journey of healing and ascension. Motivated by this discovery, I decided to share the five phases of spiritual awakening with my online community and discovered that it resonated with thousands of spiritual seekers.

Before I share the phases, it’s important to note that we do not necessarily move through these phases in sequential order, in fact, more often, we jump from one phase to another without any organizational pattern. As a reminder from the introduction, this is an “imperfect”, non-linear journey and everyone will have their own unique experience. 

Also, with love, I caution against turning the phase you are in into a personal identity. For example, if you discover you resonate with Phase 5, Awakened Living, the ego can sometimes creep in and become a “spiritual ego”. This can manifest as identifying oneself as "awakened" or feeling superior to those who are in a different phase. Our ego mind tends to latch onto anything that gives it a sense of structure and form. This is one reason why it is easy to lose ourselves on the spiritual path and become blind to our attachments.

No phase is greater or better than another; each phase has its significance and lessons to impart. To disentangle from the labels associated with these phases, I encourage you to view them as places your Soul is visiting on the grand tour of life. To see the phase you are visiting as a manifestation of the growth your Soul most needs at this point along your journey. No matter which phase you find yourself in, it's important to remember that your Higher Self is always present and already awake.  It is your Soul that journeys through these vibrational phases, desiring to move towards ascension, in recognition of your true awake nature. 

While these five phases are certainly not the end of our spiritual awakening journey (it is ongoing even beyond these phases), I hope that by exploring these phases, you will come to recognize the divine order within the chaotic experiences you face each day and have greater clarity about your inner experience. 

On this note, I do want to emphasize that there is no singular path or lens through which to view your awakening experiences. The phases I present are just one framework among many, which are intended to help you better understand your journey.

Spiritual Growth Stages: From Dream Sleep to Awakened Living

Phases 1-2: We are unaware that we captured by the dream of the ego mind

Phase 3: Within the dream, we become aware of being the dreamer, relying on our willpower.

Phases 4-5: We become aware of being aware, realizing that the dream exists because of our awareness of it, Through this experience,  we wake up to who we really are. 

Integration:  Bridging the phases together, we solidify our learnings and growth, each integration reinforcing our understanding of the dream as merely a dream.

As we move through these phases, we may experience an interwoven Integration Phase that solidifies our learnings and growth, and reinforces our understanding of the dream-like nature of reality.

In Phases 1-2, we are unaware of the ego's dream, living life on autopilot. Phase 3 marks the beginning of awakening within the dream, relying on willpower to guide us. In Phases 4-5, we become aware of being aware, acknowledging the dream's existence because of our awareness.

Spiritual Growth and Core Wound Healing

Moreover, it's important to keep in mind that these phases reflect our core wounds, and how they show up in our lives can vary based on our unique healing journeys. In this example, you might ask :

Am I aware that these themes are trying to pull me back to Phase 1 as a result of my wounding?

Initially, identifying the phase you are in may feel challenging, which is why I created the Phases of Spiritual Awakening Quiz to help. Also, it's helpful to approach this journey with an open and loving mindset, gently releasing attachment to both the negative and positive themes that arise.

I recommend taking this quiz now and again in 3-4 months as you focus on activating one of the Seven Soul Qualities and work toward healing your inner child's core wounds.

Next Steps on Your Spiritual Awakening Journey

As you explore these phases, may you recognize the divine order within the chaotic experiences you face each day. I hope that by sharing this framework, you will gain greater clarity about your inner experience and feel empowered on your spiritual awakening journey.

I would love to hear about your experiences, what spiritual awakening phase do you resonate with right now?  Please do share in the comments below!

Stay tuned for the next blog post in this 12-part series, where I will guide you through an introduction to your sub-personalities and how they influence your spiritual awakening phase as well as your core wound healing journey

I share much more depth on this topic in my book: Unmask Your Soul coming soon! This book
provides the full map for your core wound healing journey, all in one place with exercises and guidance to help you make momentum forward on your core wound healing path. I invite you to click this link below to join the book interest list, to be the first to receive exciting goodies alongside the book, as well as when the release date is: 

Stay tuned for the next blog post in this 11-part series, where I will guide you through an introduction to your sub-personalities and how they influence your spiritual awakening phase as well as your core wound healing journey..


Trauma expert, best-selling and award-winning author

Discover The Different Parts of You: Ego States, Core Wound Healing, and Spiritual Awakening


Awakening Your Seven Soul Qualities